
This is a story I wrote back in 2008, when it first appeared in serialised form on my blog at St Pixels online church.

Though this is a blogspot, you don't have to do the normal thing of starting at the end and working backwards, because I've reversed the order of posting so that you can read it through as a story like an online book.

I've got as much as I could on one page, but when you reach the bottom of this page, if you click on 'older posts' it will move you on to the next part of the story. There are 4 pages in all.

You will know when you've reached the end, because I have written THE END there :0)

I hope you enjoy the story. Its copyright is held by me for both text and illustrations, so do contact me with any requests to use any of the material.

May the reading of it bless you, and may the telling of it bless the Lord.